
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


The other day, I had this sudden burning desire to donate money to small businesses in Africa by throwing expensive paper airplanes.
... Or something like that.
The business department was putting on some fundraiser- and I found myself being sucked into it. yeah I admit- I didn't go because of the good feeling I would get giving money to a good cause. I mostly just wanted to throw airplanes. and see the people that would be there.
ok. mostly the second one.
And I guess I have this bad habit of dragging my friends along with me on my ventures- "It'll be great fun!" "We'll be pro!" and "I don't want to go all by my lonesome" are common phrases used. All in all, Its a good thing I have a supportive Abbie. She kindly agreed to meet me there.

I got there a little early, thinking I could stop at the marketplace to eat beforehand- but then found out there would be no effective way to do that without being seen by the "Airplaners." I felt pretty stupid- ("Oh gosh- now I just seem over excited.. Um, I really like paper? yeah, no one is going to buy that...") So I hid in the bathroom, a really logical solution.(except for not...)
Hiding in bathrooms is great. After the initial feeling of "Oh goodie, I've escaped!"- you kind of feel like a moron. Especially when you scream because your cell phone startles you.

"Hey, I'm here."
Abbie's ring tone is me singing the Harry Potter theme. I recorded it in a highschool parking lot.
"Hi. I was just in the bathroom" heh heh, cough... "Be out in a sec."

Thus the throwing adventure begins.
First off, it turns out I'm really awful at making airplanes- no thanks to Google. Abbie suggested I try making one with wings. Good plan. However, I wasn't about to spend another dollar to make a new one. "Maybe I just need practice throwing it?" (translation: Lets get out of here before that boy over there sees me. and my crappy airplane.) Cue sneaky escape towards the stairs- "Hey! Shawna!"
"Ohh, Hey."
At this point I realized two things:
  1. My escape had been foiled once again.
  2. Its really easy to become distracted by a man's mustache.
"You aren't leaving are you? have you thrown your plane yet?" 
"um. I was just going to practice." For any of  you who know me- "practicing" happens a lot in my life.
"Ok, you do that. Hurry back though!"

So, then I was stuck. Luckily, thanks to Abbie's paper airplane skills (aquired from a contest as a 7 year old. She's pretty much great.) a few last minute adjustments were made to my plane. I like to think this is the reason I didn't fail as much as I could have.
Meaning i still did. fail.
I threw it, It hovered for a moment, then spiraled downward, crash-landing two feet from where I had been standing.
it doesn't help that lots of people were there to witness it. or that I have a way of awkwardly yelling "NO!" when i mess up. Or that mustache man happened to be talking into a microphone when he said "Nice try, Shawna!"...
My pride had crashed along with the airplane.

But Its all good. After trying and failing at two more airplanes, (more good for Africa, right?) Abbie and I went home and watched Charade. The combination of Audry Hepburn, Cary Grant, Popcorn, and a good friend are enough to make anything better. 

  1. Don't trust everything Google says.
  2. You can, in fact, judge a man by his mustache
  3. "Don't be piggy Herman."

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