
Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Mutual Wierdness"

My Weekends get a little mixed up. Thursday is my Friday, Friday is my Saturday, Saturday is my.... Thursday? and Sunday is Sunday. 
Which I guess works.
I'm Not complaining!

This weekend Was especially fantastic. I have so many WONDERFUL people in my life. And I got to spend this weekend with a few of them. :) 
If there is one thing I'm glad about- It's "Mutual Weirdness."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

for BRI...

It seems that sometimes things don't work out like you'd want them to.
at ALL.
And you're kindof left standing there all like, "Hello, Life? What's the deal?? I thought we were FRIENDS!"
And then you mope.
Which is perfectly understandable.

However, you cant mope forever- I'm pretty sure it's terrible for your health.

Anyway, my good pal Bri has been moping lately- and with good reason. (in short- boys can be a little stupid/misleading at times.) However- It's kind of a problem when the moping reaches a level that involves spending your science class Facebook stalking the engagement photos of said individual, just because they make you want to cry.

"Bri! Stop!"
Austin took her ipod from her.
"but- but-"
The period of moping has officially ended.

We are now working on the "Recovery Stage". aka. the convincing of Bri, that there are many other fishies in the sea.

Like the Asian Guitar Guy she met a few weeks ago:

"I sat behind a tree. so I could listen to him."
(while creeping upon Asian Guitar guy.)

True love? Maybe. Probably not. I don't really think he's Bri's Type.
(note:I have absolutely nothing against Asians- I just think she would be much cuter with an Angelo Saxon. But what would I know?)

Either way- one thing is for certain Bri deserves somebody who is absolutly fantastic for her! Why waste her time waiting for one guy when there is probably somebody better out there?

I drew her a picture to illustrate my point:
This Is Bri.

And this is Bri with the man of her dreams. She hasn't had the chance to meet him yet because she's been spending WAYY to much time worrying about "Bob". (aka not "bob") Realize what you are missing out on Bri! I'm pretty sure this guy is great! Please- Move on with your wonderful life so that he can finally present himself to you. and date you. The end.

She laughed.
"Ok, Shawna, I'll work on it."

Austin's face lit up- "Bri! you totally should date that Asian!"

I guess I asked for it.

My life is eating me alive!
Like a sandwich- as Luke puts it.

So much for my "Ohhh, I'm going to be so fantastic at updating my blog this new year!"
Ahahaha. That was a lie. Sorry.

But, I've come to the conclusion- that even though I hardly have time to breath anymore- My life has reached a new level of happiness. My classes have proven to be fantastic (plus a little challenging), I'm surrounded by wonderful people who make me happy, and I've even had a few laughable/awkward moments along the way. (haha that was bound to happen though, right?)

Anywho- a few highlights of my first few weeks of the new semester:
  1. I've rediscovered the love I have for Zeeke, who is my bicycle. We go everywhere together. (almost everywhere. when weather permits.) 
  2. Aerobics. Its an adventure... When I was registering for classes, it seemed like a fab idea. (silly pre-aerobics self: "Oh, this will be great! I'll be so fit and happy! life is wonderful! ladedadeda!") I guess I didn't think through the whole 7:30 in the morning thing. or about how marching through snow in 8degree weather feels in comparison to a warm bed. Plus I'm in worse shape than I thought. (either that or my instructor is the energizer bunny...)
  3. My Art seminar classes seem to be consisting of button makers, and little german men that pernounce "Idea" like "Idear". Great!
  4. I got to visit Janessa and Baby Lilly. Pretty much fantastic! (also:did you know that there is a TV show called "When Vacations Attack"? True story.)
  5. Zeeke and I got caught in a rain storm on the way to work. Don't get me wrong! I love the rain with a passion! Its just not the best thing when you show up to work (after having miscalculated that getting there will take 10 mins when it actually takes 20) cold, wet, and looking like you decided to relieve yourself in your pants rather than a toilet. riding your bike through rain puddles will do that to you.
  6. Snow! Lots of it! (sorry Zeeke. I will miss you.)
The after effects of all of this have been shocking. Due to the combo of Zeeke and Aerobics, I now walk like a zombie. Plus one of my ears fell off from frostbite- it really adds to the effect.
But don't worry- I expect a full recovery.

Life is grand.

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    Hey There

    Hello again. :) 
    After a nice, long, Perfect, Christmas Break- I'm ready to jump back into life. 
    I've got good memories to back me, I have people who love me, and a Heavenly Father that will help me do anything!
    That's all I need.
    anywho. You should be hearing more of me. good? Good.

    And to be quite honest- I'm ready to have a little excitement in  my life again. Since New Years- my biggest adventure was my trip to the ATM...

    I really hate that ATM.
    First off- there's always that fear that it will eat my debit card, or my money, or my hard earned work check...

    Then there's the beeping. I know I'm not the most tech savvy person on the planet-but I'm pretty sure it takes most people more than .25 seconds to deposit a check.

    Gah! Its enough to give a person a heart attack! Especially if you don't know the beeping is only due to the ATM's Impatience...
    I thought I'd broken it.
    "Why are you beeping? Why are you beeping?! Stop. Stop! Stoppit-Stoppit!! Stop BEEPING!!"
    - And then there was the awkward moment when some guy stopped to ask me if I needed help- and I realized my whole episode had been out loud. as if the beeping wasn't enough to make me feel stupid.
    "Ohh, no I've got it!" Friendly wave, hit CANCEL TRANSACTION button.
    I waited until he was long gone before I tried again.