
Sunday, April 15, 2012


Tonight was exciting.
Like "Oh crap, Bruce is gushing blood out of his head!" exciting.

It all started out just fine... we were watching Madagascar 2 and playing Quelf. (Two of my most favorite things ever.)

Kameron was waving a plunger in people faces, Bruce was quacking, Heather had just finished being a ventriloquist dummy, and Logan had some how gotten away with not having to do anything weird whatsoever... (suspicious much?)
Anyway, then it was my turn.

"Start the timer, then tell another player to read the card aloud. Run and hide. Once the time is up, they have to come find you."

So I ran. and I hid. and then my phone rang.
"Um, Heyyy so you should come out now."
"Why? you're giving up?"
 "No, Bruce is injured.... so you should come to the second floor. because that's where we are...."
At this point, I was under the impression that Logan was just being tricky. 
"Uh, huh, suuure."
"No- Really!"

*Bling!* (that was the sound of a light bulb going on in my head at the realization hthat Logan was using his "I'm serious" voice.)

 I ran.

Anywho- Logan wasn't lying. There was Bruce, on all fours. with a bloody head.
"Oh, who would leave a perfectly good head lying around?"
- King Julian - Madagascar 2
Yeahh, It was kindof gross-ish, and I felt kind of sick-ish. So we got Bruce to the ER kindof fast-ish. After a struggle of "What's your home phone number? What's your address? What are your parents names?" and such, we had to wait about ten minutes before the nurse came to fetch him. 
"Bruce Taylor?"
He grinned. (yep. He's kindof a wierdo.) "That's me!"
"Lets get you up stairs, shall we?"
The four of us trailed after them like ducklings. That is, until the Nurse said "Only two" and Logan and I got locked outside. 
"Excuse me, this is first class, its nothing personal, it's just that we're better than you"
- King Julian. again.
When Bruce was getting cat-scanned and stapled shut, Logan and I memorized the dentist section of the phone book and laughed at Readers Digest. Not exactly the ideal way to spend a Saturday night- But no worries, Bruce is 100% ok. Or atleast, he's in the process... He gets his staples out in a few weeks, and Kameron just has to make sure he doesn't sleep too soundly tonight.

How, exactly, did this happen, you ask? In short- I guess Bruce was just getting fancy with his methods of getting down the stairs. (or he got hit in the head with a beer bottle while saving someone's life. For the full story- you'd have to ask him.) All in all, it just makes me glad we're all ok.. and not dead.
"If I, King Julian (that's my name), only had two days left to live, I would do all the things I have ever dreamed of doing. I would love to become a professional whistler. I'm pretty amazing at it now, but I wanna get, like, even better."

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