
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Oh, Hullo again.


I apologize, It's been a while.
In my defense though, It's been a rather crazy few weeks.
School ended, then there were finals, then there was the fiasco of moving back home where my room was non-existent... (Surprise! you don't have a bed!) Then there was the moving to the basement adventure so that I could  have a bedroom... All the while I've been applying for jobs, family bonding, finishing long over due art projects, staying in shape, and trying to stay up to date on my social life!
But, I'll have you know I've been enjoying myself the whole time. Because Summer is great.

On a new note- Guess what I did this week?

I got to go on a field trip! It was like being in first grade all over again, except in this case I got to be the tall one in the class. 
The plan was, that I would play "mommy" for a day and chaperone on Ashlee's field trip to the trout farm and the planetarium. I'd carpool with a friend from my ward who's son was in another class, and it would be great! Unfortunately, my life doesn't run as smoothly as would be ideal, and the classes surprised me by splitting up... meaning that I ended up at the planetarium. With the wrong class. oh dear.
while desperately trying to call Mrs. Teacher-Lady to tell her where I was, - (unaware that her phone was dead) I couldn't hep but in-vision all the possible chaos I might have caused... 
  • My un-chaperoned children running like barbarians through-out the trout farm- falling into the water, killing fish with their bare hands... setting nearby trees on fire....
  • Finally re-uniting with the correct class, and getting yelled at by Mrs. Teacher-lady and the other parents, about things like "responsibility, stupidity and disappointment"..
  • Ashlee declaring that she will never talk to me ever again because I'm the worst big sister in the whole world for messing up her field trip....
(the last option scared me the most.)
I took a deep breath. 'Umkay... I am here... and they will eventually be here... sooo, all's good.' I sat on a bench, ate my lunch, (A pb&j, that my mother had lovingly packed for me on my first day back in elementary school.) and waited.
And you know what? It all ended up just fine. It wasn't long before the right class arrived. The other parents, (being much more experienced in the whole field trip thing) had taken good care of my children, And instead of angry parent/teacher lectures, I got a whole lot of, "Oh you poor thing! did you get lost?" and "Don't even worry about it, We're just glad you're here!"
Plus, And aside from being teased by a handful of first-graders, it was fine. Meaning Ashlee and I are still buds.
"I am so sorry Ashloo! I got lost!"
"Its ok. You just didn't get to catch a fish."
She was then kind enough to tell all of her little friends about how silly her sister is for getting lost. and they laughed at me. But Hey, could be worse, right?

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