
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Almost holiday time. :)

It is one week until Christmas. Which is good.
Except, I'd forgotten how hard it could be to wait for Christmas....

Especially if everyone has gone home to their families except for you. (and a grumpy roommate that hates your guts.)

Being stuck here isn't really my favorite.
because I'm lonely,
and hungry,
and out of food.
Plus, if that's not bad enough, the water's been shut off due to a leak. From now on, if I have to wash my hands, brush my teeth, or pee- I'll have to trek through snow, cold and moldy dead leaves to get to the nearest working bathroom.
up hill both ways. (ok, not really.)

On the bright side... its only thee more days until I can leave.
and the only reason I'm here is because I've been blessed with a job- which is paying for my school, and my home (which at least has heat- if not water.) and the food that I hopefully will soon have...
Plus I'm pretty sure that once I'm home- this will be the most fantastic Christmas Break ever- Time with my family (FINALLY!), a trip to see my dad, a date with an intriguing gentleman, cookies, a Christmas tree that survived a recent wind storm, Christmas Music, a visit to the bird refuge with my most favorite person ever, and time to watch LOST.
(yes. I confess. I've allowed myself to start watching LOST. which could be really bad.. considering the rumors that it's the most addicting show on the planet... eep!)

Anywho. I'm pretty sure I'll survive.

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