
Friday, March 16, 2012

My brain is leaking.

I swear, I'm broken!
or something??

Yes, I know I cry.
A lot.

But I think I'm reaching that point of "Shawna! Get a flippin' hold of yourself!!!"
Now, don't worry they're not sad tears-
They're happy ones. 
But I personally think those are the weirdest kind.

Shelly and I were at Walmart- I'd Just gotten some pictures developed and was stopping by to pick them up.
"Can I watch Tangled?" Shelly asked.
We were walking past the home electronics section,This, (along with a Muppet cooking special) was playing on one of the many TV screens.
"Sure, But don't go anywhere!"

I got my pictures, and it proved to be a little more stressful then I'd intended. (Has anyone else noticed how ridiculously expensive pictures are?! Holy cow. I could have sold my soul for those..) And by the time I had reached Shelly, it was at "The Part."

If you have seen Tangled, I'm pretty sure you'll know when I say "The part" I'm meaning the whole
  He saves her life, Witchy Lady dies, "You were my new dream", OH NO! her Love is dead!, That's so terrible! But wait- no he's not! True Love! Happy endings! Magic! wonderful! AHHHH!

If not... I just ruined the whole ending for you.

Anyway, there we were, standing in the middle of this Walmart isle, eyes glued to the screen. 
Flynn Looked up at Rapunzel, her eyes are shining with tears, and you could pretty much count every freckle on her nose. (at this point I was appreciating the amazing detail in the animation combined with Blue Ray.) But then he said it.
"You were my new dream."
That's when I got that feeling in my stomach, and my face grew hot, and I suddenly remembered I was at Walmart. Not hiding alone in my bedroom.
people could see me there....

"Shelly! we have to go!"
"No! it's not done yet!"
"No- I have to go!"
"But It's the best Part!!"
"I knowwww!!!" and I promptly burst into tears.

And then when Flynn came to Life again- I started crying harder. Because I was so Happy for them, and their true love, and their happily ever after and-
"Shawna? Are you serious?!" Shelly had finally noticed my sniffling and wet face.
"Um. yeah."
"You're so dumb."

That was when we realized a lady had been trying to get her shopping cart and small son around us for the last five minutes- time to go.

What do I have to say for myself? Nothing... Nothing at all.

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