
Thursday, March 8, 2012


Lachelle was born the day after my 3rd birthday. I was probably a little bummed out, seeing as all prospects of having a birthday party were canceled,
But Still- though sometimes I won't admit it- she was (and still is) my best birthday present.

  1. Shelly, Shtella, Shell, Shell-Bell, Shelly-Belly, SmellyShelly (only on bad days), or Lachelly- This girl has more nicknames than anyone I know. However- to me, she is Shoobie-doobie-doo. (Shoobie for short) and forever will be.
  2. Shelly is probably the most talented person I know- She's absolutely fantastic at everything I'm not (as well as everything I am..) She draws, she dances, she's great at sports, she's musical (even though she shakes her head whenever anyone tells her so), and that's only the beginning. I think it must be because she is so determined- if she doesn't get something right the first time, she will try and try again until it is perfect. I can't count the times I've seen her spend hours straight practicing her pitching for softball- only coming in after she knew she'd improved. (or until mom said it was time for bed.)
  3. She is kind. When she was little- she would write "love notes". Long lists of everyone she loved- every member in the family, her friends, her teachers, even our parakeet, Errol. There was one time I remember being furious because she'd decided it would be a good a idea to write one of these notes on the side of our barbie house in purple marker. I'm pretty sure the remnants of "I love Mommy, I love Shawna, I love Cole.." and so on are still there.
  4. She has a weird love of eating lunch meat. By itself. Loudly next to my ear. And I'd be lying if I said it doesn't drive me insane- but hey- to each his own.
  5. Shelly is my best friend. When we were little she was always the first person I wanted to play with. Our most usual games involved dress-up, monsters, Barbies, or House. But sometimes we'd entertain ourselves with Disney action figures from McDonalds ("Polka" was her favorite. Try as I might she never really understood when I explained that his name was actually "John Smith") Even now, whenever I come home for a weekend, we'll spend hours talking in my room, and laughing until we cry. (and sometimes crying until we laugh.) She's the one I can always count on.

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