
Sunday, March 4, 2012

100% worth it.

It's been one of those weeks. (The "Whoa! slow down for a second!" kind.)
For the record though, I've been totally cool with it.

Although- next time, I need to make sure it doesn't mean skipping class to catch up on sleep...
My bad.
On the brighter side though- there are definitely a few things I would gladly trade an hour in a stuffy classroom for:

Surprise blizzards lead to unexpected sleep overs. and thus zero sleep.However- I've decided that's ok- if the sleep is lost due to a conversation with a close friend.

There will always be that friend that eats all of your popcorn. But you'll still love them dearly.

Missing people is hard. But it makes those moments you can be with them even more fantastic. Even if they're moments spent talking gibberish at 4:30 in the morning. (maybe especially then...)

Standing up in front of people is terrifying. Even if  it's just to be introduced to the institute choir you're visiting. However- it helps a lot if you have a best buddy there to say "This is Shawna. We've been friends since 5th grade." ("hello shawna.")

It's always lovely when you to have to explain that you are not, in fact, doing your English project on Montreal, Canada. you were just spending precious in-class research time getting super excited for your pal's future. this ought to be perfectly understandable.

BLT's go perfectly with people-watching in cafes. Especially with someone who thinks you're crazy. (Um, last time I checked, it wasn't my fault you had to be the "logical, engineering" type, friend. But, that's ok, I've missed you anyway.)

Sometimes it's kind of nice to have short conversations with people you hadn't intended on chilling with. Especially if they're talented at drawing mustaches.

You don't have to be going through a hard time to lean on someone. Friends are there to share happiness and excitement too- correct? of course! There doesn't have to be a reason for a phone call.

While hunting for apartments in the snow and cold can be difficult- getting help from strangers off the street for some reason, is not... One step closer to a future home! 

Anyway. It's been good. 
Mostly. It does seem that with every up there needs to be a down. (to balance things out, right? ... cool. I guess.)
Making choices is still hard- especially if you get a sudden reality punch in the stomach of "Ha! Stinks for you and your dreams!"  (But I'm hoping this is one of those "make you stronger" set backs...)

Over all though, I've totally realized that one of the best ways to forget that you're going through a rough time is to feel genuinely happy for someone else. It's amazing how it works
Happiness is catchy.
It radiates from over long distances, and over little speakers in your cellphone. Suddenly all of those thoughts of worry and panic twist, and turn, and *POOF*

Hearing someone else's  excitement, and knowing that they're headed in the right direction, that they're going to become even more amazing then they already are, and seeing a glimpse of the happiness they're about to find for the rest of their life- its perfect. 

I wouldn't trade these moments for anything.

I've been so blessed to know people that constantly create these moments. A friend of mine recently made a complete turn in her life- I know she's scared and that she has a lot of questions, but it amazes me to see the bravery and determination as she works for her new goal. I've also been blessed to witness the strength and steadfastness of a friend who's getting ready to leave everything behind, because it's the right thing. He's always been an incredible example to me- and even though I know I'll miss him with my whole self- I can't wait to see him touch other peoples lives, and bring them to a happiness they wouldn't be able to find without him.

I am truly lucky.

1 comment:

  1. I knew the warm sweater of optimism would fit you well! You are awesome:) Thank you
